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SUN DOME, Inc. appreciates your interest in employment. Your application will be given every consideration.




The SUN DOME and USF ATHLETICS is looking for hard-working, motivated individuals to fill the following positions:

Turf Maintenance and Facility Maintenance
Monday - Friday 6:00AM to 3:00PM (regular schedule)

Must be flexible with schedule due to events and athletic sport schedules held at the facilities. Preference will be given to applicants who have the following skills:

  • You are a person of character
  • You are punctual and conscientious
  • You are reliable and self motivated
  • You speak excellent English and can communicate effectively
  • You have the ability to work outside under adverse weather conditions
  • You have six months previous experience in some type of turf maintenance, commercial lawn care or housekeeping preferred
  • You have reliable transportation
  • You are at least 18 years of age
  • Qualified applicants, please call for an appointment. If you have a resume, please mail to address below. We have a very good working environment and we are a very cool place to work!

    For directions or more information, please contact Scott Grace between the hours of 9:00AM and 3:00PM at (813)974-7997.

    Scott Grace
    Auxiliary Operations Manager
    SUN DOME, Inc.
    4202 E. Fowler Ave., ATH100
    Tampa, FL 33620 USA



    We are always taking applications for positions in Guest Services, Parking, Production and Housekeeping.

    Open the Employee Application file. [requires Adobe Acrobat Reader]

    Please mail completed applications to:

    Sun Dome, Inc.
    4202 E. Fowler Ave.
    (SUN 141)
    Tampa, FL 33620